Before the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 made St Louis obsolete as the furthest westward expansion of the United States’ manifest destiny, the Maynots (pronounced in French “May-no”, the ‘t’ is silent) moved to St Louis from Paris. Rose Marie Maynots landed on what later became known as Laclede’s Landing, a French colony named after the third generation Scion of one of the city’s most prestigious families, Pierre Laclede. Pierre was a chef who crossed cultural, and culinary lines. He was the inventor of the Toasted Ravioli.
That was 8 generations ago, and the venerated Rose Marie Maynot is ready for a new challenge: she aims to bridge the Mississippi River of rage that separates this Divided States of America. She aims to restore St Louis to its rightful place as the culture capital of the United States, a position it held up from the 1904 Worlds Fair, until the Great Depression began to depress this river town.
If Mayor Rose Marie Maynot announces her candidacy for Mayor of St Louis… her first official decision will be, which St Louis to run for?
Critics say that she’s too wishy-washy for politics. He’s got too many wild ideas for this conservative city, most of which she claims she May or Maynot do.
St Louis is the only major metropolitan city whose leadership—and tax base—is divided across two states, and five counties.
Can Mayor Rose-Marie Maynot unite these two divided states of America… into one?
Possibly. She has mansions off Lindell in St Louis City, in Huntleigh (St Louis County), Lake St Louis (which we call, the Other St Louis County), across the river from the St Louis Arc (East St Louis County, Illinois) and of course, that racehorse farm in Belleville (the other East St Louis County, Illinois) that was purchased mysteriously in December 2024, according to Illinois property tax records.
Will she decide to run for mayor in all FIVE St Louis Counties, or just one?
Help us decide on January 15th and 16th at Songa Studios.
And… are her inspiring campaign speeches written by a real person, or an AI?
Read on at to learn about this viral video campaign to merge the states of Misery and Illinois that will change your perception of AI… forever.